Haiku A World of Intelligence

Haiku 'A World of Intelligence' 
by Toni Cairns

A little Haiku I wrote called 'A World of Intelligence'...

"Foundations of a
 world of intelligence is
 built upon sharing."

I kind of wrote this on the spur of the moment after considering the idea of writing a Haiku, after previously finding it more difficult than I had first anticipated. I'm quite pleased with this little number, and I did at first write it like this:-

'The foundations of
 a world of intelligence
 is built on sharing.'

By Toni Cairns.

But, I ended up preferring the one I posted in the picture above, because the use of the word 'upon' is more powerful than using just the word 'on'. The photograph is one I took in a beautiful rural quaint little village called Ringsfield in Suffolk.



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