Mad Man Abstract Acrylic Painting on Canvas with Quote by Toni Cairns

Mad Man Third Stage Photo

My quote....'crash through the walls of limitations which cage your mind and free yourself'... I probably should re word this quote to....'crash through the walls of limitations which exist only in your mind, and free yourself'... I'm a little unsure of the exact way the words should be in this quote. It's very meaningful to myself, because at present I am consumed by thoughts within my mind, which cage me on a daily basis and they prevent me from fully living my life, traumatic past events and the love of my ex stop me in my tracks every single day. I only wish I was strong enough to crash through my personal walls, and escape my mind's cage.

Mad Man Second Stage Photo Edited

This is one of the first photos I have taken off my abstract artwork and acrylic painting on canvas called Mad Man. I have edited the colours using the PicsArt app to make the colours almost negative off the original. I wonder now if I should not have added all of the red paint which you can see in the above image?

Mad Man Second Stage Photo

Mad Man First Stage Photo

Here are the first and second stage photographs of my acrylic artwork in progress. Sometimes I wonder if I think too much about the artwork I'm painting it, and so I wonder if I've made changes I should not have made. I was headed in a nice direction I feel when I arrived at stage two. Note I look at stage three and wonder what I should do next..... More pictures to come and hopefully the final Acrylic Painting image! This painting Mad Man is based on a malignant narcissistic abuser, screaming and shouting with a very messed up mind.

Painted by artist in acrylic paints on canvas some are then photo edited later on 

By Toni Cairns



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