Learning Comes From Listening
Rant Alert Sorry
Learning comes from listening however some people seem fulfilled in life without continuing to learn.
From making the same mistake time and time again I've finally come to realise that trying to help some people is very sadly a waste of good time and positive energy.
I now know some things are best shared with those who are willing to listen and hear.
So my advice to myself is don't waste your precious life time trying to straighten up those twisted up by bitterness, only resume to loving yourself and those with loving hearts.
It's a pointless endeavour to trying to help anyone who does not want to help themselves, as it is a pointless endeavour speaking with someone who is not even listening or paying attention, after all learning begins from listening.
It's really disappointing to come to realise it's the fifth time you've answered that same question your friend just asked you again for the fifth time, because they didn't listen to your reply the four previous times they asked the question.
It's disappointing when a friend asks you every time you visit them for about 4 years if you would like a glass of wine when you arrive, when you have told them every single other time that you visited and that you can not and do not drink wine because it upsets your stomach really badly!
That some says to me that there is no point in saying anything to them at all.
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