Quote "I would come to terms with losing love, only by focusing upon self love"

Quote I wrote 

"I would come to terms with losing love, only by focusing upon self love." 

Once my heart was broken time and time again, the only way I would ever come to terms with the pain was through loving myself more, than them who hurt me! 

Self love helps us grow, we become stronger and more powerful, finding our true self worth, without ever requiring another person's point of view. Once we truly love ourselves we will only except love from another person when they love us as much as we love ourselves.

Spending time by myself and learning to be happy by myself, has not always been easy, often I feel lonely. I speak to myself and my dogs far more than I ever used to. 

My dogs have changed my life. At times I would like to get into deep conversation about a particular topic and sometimes there is no one else around who finds this topic as interesting as I do, so for the time being I am sharing many things here in my blog. 

There will come a time when I will meet like minded people and a whole new community of friends. 

There is no better way to discover who cares about you, than to isolate yourself. My self isolation began from trauma and Complex PTSD. 

Living in survival mode is not a life choice. 

Living as a hyper independent individual is not a life choice. 

These are not things I dreamed of being when I grew up. 

However my path led me here. 

My journey continues, and if I've managed to swim all this time, all by myself, I know I will always keep swimming. 

(c) Toni Cairns 2021.


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